Our Partners
Current Funding Partners:
Delegation of the European Union to Nepal761 Nedsaraswati Marg, Lazimpat Kathmandu
Phone No: 01-4429445/4429446
Website: https://eeas.europa.eu/delegations/nepal_en
Partnership with EU has started from 2018 and will continue till 2022, through two different projects: REAL and Enhancing Citizens’ Participation in Sub-National Good Governance (Local and Provincial Level) in the Context of the New Federal System in Nepal, which is a consortium project led by Sahakarmi Samaj.
ICCO Co-operationAsia Pacific Desk
Department of Global Ministries
P.O Box: 456, 3500 ALL RM UTREHT
The Netherland
Phone No: +31 30 880 18 27, Fax: +31 30 880 19 46
Website: https://www.icco-cooperation.org/en/
Nepal office
ICCO Co-operation, South Asia, Nepal
Jhamsikhel, Lalitpur
Phone No: +977 1 5013550/ 5013505
Website: https://www.icco-cooperation.org/en/countries/nepal
Partnership with ICCO Cooperation has started from 2002 and is ongoing, as Sahakarmi Samaj and ICCO Cooperation Nepal has just started two projects jointly – lead by ICCO Cooperation: REAL and Implementation of Change the Game Academy (CtGA) in Nepal.
Social Health and Education Project, IrelandVillage Chambers, The Village Center Station Road, Ballincollig, CO. Cork, Ireland
Phone No: +353 (0)21 466 6180, Fax: +353 (0)21 487 0104
Website: https://www.socialandhealth.com/
Partnership with SHEP, Ireland has started from 2007 and is ongoing.
Development Fund NorwayMariboes Gate 8, 0183 Oslo, Norway
Phone No: +23 10 96 00, Fax: +23 10 96 01
Website: https://www.utviklingsfondet.no/en
Partnership with DF Norway has started in 2014 and it is ongoing.
Wilde Ganzen, NetherlandHEUVELLAAN 36, 1217 JN Hilversum, Netherlands
Phone No: +31 (0) 35 625 1030/6246677
Website: https://www.wildeganzen.nl/
Partnership with Wilde Ganzen has started from 2018.
WASH Alliance International NetherlandSahakarmi Samaj has been partnering with WASH Alliance International since 2013.
Website: https://wash-alliance.org/
Presentation Sisters
Main St, Monasterevin,
Co. Kildare, W34 PV32, Ireland
Phone Number: + 353 45 525335
Website: http://www.pbvm.org/
Partnership with presentation sisters organization has started from 2017 through promoting community governance through strengthening CSOs and CBNOs program .
Geruwa Rural MunicipalityPashupatinagar, Bardiya
Partnership with the Rural Municipality has started from 2018.
Website: http://daobardiya.moha.gov.np/
- USAID Nepal
- Mercy Corps, Nepal
- Practical Foundation
- Lutheran World Foundation, Nepal
- World Food Program
- United Mission to Nepal