Ongoing Program
SHAKTI (Empowered Civil Societies of Nepal)
Project duration: October 2022 to November 2025
Funding Organization: SHEP/ Irish Aid Ireland Gaumul RM & Jajannath RM of Bajura
Implementing partners/consortium:
- Samabesi Bikas Samaj, Kailali
- Kanchanpur Samudayik Bikas Kendra, Kanchanpur
Project aim: Contribute to a sustainable and empowered civil society, by mobilizing marginalized people in rural Nepal
Project objectives:
- Objective 1 .1 Build capacity of 4 CBNOS and 138 CDGs to organize, be socially inclusive, engage with Government and claim legal rights and entitlements
- Objective 1 .2 Enhance food security and climate resilience & engage youth in Agroecology and green entrepreneurship
- Objective 2.1 Revised policies, procedures and working practices of 4 Palikas (1 Rural Municipality and 3 Municipalities) in line with rural communities’ needs, rights and priorities related to GESI, Youth, Climate Resilience, and Food Security
Key approach:
- Facilitation on Empowerment and Social Transformation:
- Social Analysis and Listening Survey
- Group Formation
- Problem definition, Action Planning, and Implementation
- Organizational development.
- Right Based Approach
- Community Mobilization
- Youth Engagement for Governance and Civic-Participation
- Gender Equality and Social Inclusion
- Conflict Sensitive and Mitigation Approach
- Climate Adaptive Village
- Collaboration with Local Government
- Local resource-based entrepreneurship/economic growth
- Community Networking
Project coverage:
- Gaumul RM & Jagannath RM Bajura
- Gauriganga Municipality Kailali
- Beldandi RM Kanchanpur
Target beneficiaries: Marginalized Community people, Women. Youths, Dalit, Janjati, PWD
Household coverage: 3600
Project Volume: 410k Euro
Number of project staff: 20
Other Ongoing Programs
- Facilitating the Implementation of the activities under the Accountability Project
- Livelihood Initiatives for Vulnerable and Excluded
- SAHAJ PROJECT (Integrated Program for Strengthening Security and Justice)
- Capacity development of Community Groups/Tole Bikaas Committee and Community Governance Strengthening Program
- Water Justice Fund
- Strengthening Community Engagement at the Local Level through Mobilization and Empowerment of Tole Lane Organizations (TLOs) to Improve Local Governance
- Community-led Agroecological Practices for Food Sovereignty (CAPFS)
- Enabling Truth, Memory, and Justice (Oct 2022- September 2025)
- SHAKTI (Empowered Civil Societies of Nepal)
- Community Organizing for Sustainable and Empowerment based livelihood Improvement Program Phase 2 (COSELI 2) (2021-2025)